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31 Oct 2008

It's been a while

I've been suspiciously quiet recently. I blame the fact that I've had no real Internet access but we have also been busy with work and Jacks has been suffering with a bout of flu that is almost as stubborn as she is. She sent me a text today saying that she's as strong as an ox but I just don't believe her.

On Tuesday London experienced it's first October snowfall for around 70 years. Coincidentally (?) it was also on Tuesday morning that I burped and farted simultaneously, the first time this year.

While travelling through Australia last year we experienced Movember, a charity drive that raises money for men's health issues. Basically, all sorts of men grow all sorts of moustaches during the month of November. I am going to join in. Well, that is if the wife and the conservative work environment I find myself in allow it.

14 Oct 2008

Farewell Shaun and Robyn

Shaun and Robyn's time in the Uk has officially come to an end. In celebrating the momentous occasion they set off today on a 7 week trip around South America. We've had them at our place for 2 weeks which has been good. On Saturday night we took them off to Wahaca, a great Mexican restaurant near Covent Garden. With seriously exciting food and an extensive tequila menu, you really can't go wrong. The weather over the weekend was surprisingly non-english and outdoor activities became possible. On Sunday we spent the afternoon in the park, sipping champagne and playing a couple of games of boules. My lessons have been really paying off and I can finally say that I am 100% happy with my follow-through.

Good luck Shaun and Robyn. Have a great trip!