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31 Oct 2008

It's been a while

I've been suspiciously quiet recently. I blame the fact that I've had no real Internet access but we have also been busy with work and Jacks has been suffering with a bout of flu that is almost as stubborn as she is. She sent me a text today saying that she's as strong as an ox but I just don't believe her.

On Tuesday London experienced it's first October snowfall for around 70 years. Coincidentally (?) it was also on Tuesday morning that I burped and farted simultaneously, the first time this year.

While travelling through Australia last year we experienced Movember, a charity drive that raises money for men's health issues. Basically, all sorts of men grow all sorts of moustaches during the month of November. I am going to join in. Well, that is if the wife and the conservative work environment I find myself in allow it.


Blogger Ben said...


I signed up too and have $300 bucks raised. Just need to get some growth happening :)

Sat Nov 01, 12:16:00 am GMT+2

Blogger Brad said...

I saw that. I have a couple of mates taking part. Will be a laugh to see the photos at the end of the month.

Sat Nov 01, 11:06:00 am GMT+2


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