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10 Dec 2007

The Cane Toad

This is a story about the stupidity of man and the wonder of nature.

It all started in the 1950's when the Australian sugar cane industry was being seriously affected by the cane beetle. After investigating the rest of the world they discovered that the farmers of Hawaii were thriving because of the presence of a particular toad that fed on beetles.

Unfortunately they failed to fully study these toads and the implications of their introduction and welcomed them into Australia. They missed 3 pretty vital facts:

  1. The Australian Cane Beetles, unlike their Hawaiian brothers that climb the cane, actually fly. Toads are unable to fly so proved absolutely useless.

  2. Cane Toads usually lay around 30,000 eggs at a time and are therefore able to increase numbers fairly rapidly.

  3. When cane toads are stressed they release a poison that is strong enough to kill a crocodile. This is having a devastating impact on Australia's indigenous wildlife.


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